
The Space Between Notes - a new album by Sunnie Larsen

Created by Sunnie Larsen

Sunnie's debut solo album, full of filk songs, covers, and even a few originals!

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The Promised "Improv Curveball" Video
about 6 years ago – Mon, Mar 04, 2019 at 02:50:20 PM

You all helped me reach stretch goal #3 (AND #4, YOU AMAZING, GLORIOUS PEOPLE),  and I promised this video as a reward. 

To recap: my good friend Eric Distad (one half of the fabulous geek rock comedy duo The Faithful Sidekicks) and I recorded several violin & guitar improv sessions together to see what we could come up with. As you know, musical improv is one of my favorite things! Eric and I have discovered that our brains seem to work similarly, so this was a really fun exercise for us: he played a chord progression (one that he made up on the spot and didn't share with me before we started) and I played along with it. 

Most of the times this worked beautifully. But on the fourth attempt, Eric threw a pretty good curveball at me, about thirty seconds in, and I completely missed it. :) We got a good laugh out of it, so don't feel bad for us. As I said before, I think it's a fun example of what can happen when we trip over something; it's a good illustration that it doesn't ALWAYS work out--although it's magic when it does--and before we hit that wall it was coming together quite nicely.

So, without further ado... enjoy "The Curveball". :) 

THIRD STRETCH GOAL REACHED! And the reveal of the final...
about 6 years ago – Sun, Mar 03, 2019 at 02:18:49 PM

OMG!!! We made it to $11,500! The third stretch goal, a free sticker for everyone who bid at $25 or higher, is a GO! You people rock my socks off. Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!!! (I'll be asking you, my backers, to help me decide on which piece(s?) of art get turned into stickers.)

#3 Unlocked!
#3 Unlocked!

And now... we have just $447 left to get to the final stretch goal, in the 26 hours left. 

What IS that final $12,000 stretch goal, you ask? Well, my friends... over the past few years I've made the acquaintance of a skilled luthier named  Zac Steimle. Zac owns Oceana Ukuleles, located in Port Orchard, Washington. He makes gorgeous, high-end, serious instruments, and I have coveted them since I first laid eyes on them four years ago at the Wintergrass Music Festival

In heaven with one of Zac's 5-string tenors
In heaven with one of Zac's 5-string tenors

I told Zac two years ago that I would buy one of his instruments some day, but I haven't been able to make that a reality yet. If we can get to $12,000 before noon on Sunday, I will finally be able to put a down payment on a bespoke 5-string tenor ukulele from Oceana. 

If not now, I'll save up to do it later; maybe in a year or two, or with sales from my album. But I'd love to do it now, and I'd really love to do it in conjunction with/because of this successful campaign. Can you help me?

Stretch Goal #3 UNLOCKED! And finally...
Stretch Goal #3 UNLOCKED! And finally...

Thank you. From the bottom of my heart, thank you.

So much love,


Special Incentive for Stretch Goal #3
about 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 01:46:20 PM

Good morning, everyone!

As incentive to help push us up to the next stretch goal level (just $599 to go!), I have a special treat to offer as a reward.

One of the rewards I'm offering to all levels of backers is a free download of a musical improv mp3 created just for this campaign, recorded at Conflikt Filk Convention last month with the help of my good friend Eric Distad (one half of the fabulous geek rock comedy duo The Faithful Sidekicks). 

Eric and I did several improvs together at Conflikt to see what we could come up with; he played a chord progression (that he didn't share with me--or in most instances know, I think--ahead of time) and I played violin on top of it. Seven out of eight times it worked beautifully and I'm really happy with the selection we've got to choose from... but the other one of those times, Eric threw a pretty good curveball at me about thirty seconds in and I completely missed it. :) 

We got a good laugh out of it, and if we make the next stretch goal I'll publish that video for everyone to see.  I think it's a fun example of what can happen when we trip over something; it's a good illustration that it doesn't ALWAYS work out--although it's magic when it does--and before we hit that wall it was coming together nicely. :) 

Those of you who have backed: thank you, from the bottom of my heart. I am in awe already of your support. If you know someone else who might be interested, share the campaign with them?

Thank you again! 


Flash Art Livestream!
about 6 years ago – Thu, Feb 28, 2019 at 01:46:11 PM

I'm doing a livestream on my Facebook Musician page right now, drawing a Zentangle postcard! Come join me!

🔓 🔓 Stretch goal #2 UNLOCKED!! 🔓 🔓
about 6 years ago – Mon, Feb 25, 2019 at 07:28:49 PM

Stretch goal #2 UNLOCKED! 🔓
Stretch goal #2 UNLOCKED! 🔓

I am incredibly pleased to announce that we have reached the second stretch goal this morning! I'm excited to start planning a great CD release concert here in Seattle. Thank you, you amazing people. 

We've got the next stretch goal coming right up (stickers for everyone above $25!), and that super secret goal is starting to look achievable...  

 I love you all!