
The Space Between Notes - a new album by Sunnie Larsen

Created by Sunnie Larsen

Sunnie's debut solo album, full of filk songs, covers, and even a few originals!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Update: Happy Birthday to "The Space Between Notes"!
over 4 years ago – Sat, Jul 18, 2020 at 10:15:06 PM

 My dear friends,

This weekend last year, my nearest and dearest were gathered in Seattle to help me put on the party of a lifetime: the debut of my album, "The Space Between Notes". That debut would not have been possible without your help, and I am more grateful than I can ever say that you chose to be a part of this journey with me. Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Most of the rewards have been distributed at this point. The exceptions are the galaxy mugs, the handmade books, and the original instrumentals, and I owe updates on those. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your patience and understanding.

The mugs are complete, but between several rounds of home repair chaos and then, well, all that 2020 has become, I haven't been able to get them shipped out yet. My artist and I are working on formulating a plan to get them out as soon as we can.

The books and the instrumentals are in process, and just need to be finished. To be completely honest and a little bit vulnerable, the existential dread has been pretty overwhelming since March, and I'm learning what it means to live with serious anxiety. I am safe and otherwise healthy, I have a good support structure, and I'm working through it--and I have plans to make good progress on both of these levels soon. 

If you're a backer at any of these still-pending levels and would like me to ship the rest of your rewards first and then follow up with the final piece once it's done, please let me know and I'll get it those out this week. If you're a backer at another level and haven't yet received your shipment somehow, send me an email and I'll make it right! 

I'll be grateful forever for all that you made possible with your support. I miss everything that comes with performing more than anything right now; I can practice at home and have played in some streaming events, but I miss my bandmates and my filk con family and my farmers markets, and gathering together on Zoom helps but doesn't feel the same.

Thank you again for everything, and I will be in touch again soon! 

Happy birthday, album baby. 

Update: books, instrumentals, whiskey cups, and Zentangle cards!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Dec 01, 2019 at 04:36:06 PM

Hello, my friends! 

Please forgive that this update is so long overdue. It has been a very busy summer and fall, and I thank you so much for your patience! I have so much to tell you.

Books: we have all of the signatures (pages) folded and punched. Next we are selecting the fabric for each cover and constructing those, and then the sewing/binding. 

some of the fabric options

Instrumentals: the studio is set up and ready for me to record! I'm hoping to make progress on these shortly and I'm as excited as you are to hear what comes out of the process. :)

the music studio at home

Whiskey Cups/Mugs: I got some very exciting photos from my potter this week! Aside from some finishing work, they are complete (except for one that had a small kiln issue)! Take a look at these beauties:

Once the finishing work is completed I'll package everything up and ship them off to you!

Zentangle cards: these are complete and ready to send out in the next week!

Again, an incredible amount of gratitude to all of you for helping make this possible. I cannot thank you enough. 

For those of you still waiting for your rewards--if you'd like everything that IS ready right now and the last pieces later, send me a private message and I'll make that happen ASAP. 

Wishing you a wonderful holiday season,


First three digital rewards are out!
over 5 years ago – Sun, Jul 28, 2019 at 08:33:30 PM

Hi everyone! 

Today you should have received an email from Kickstarter with codes for the bonus improv MP3 that I recorded with Eric Distad of The Faithful Sidekicks and (for those at the $10 level and up) the PDF of my chord & lyric coloring book, and an email from me (via Mailchimp) with a download code for a digital version of the album (also for those at $10 and up).

If you backed at $10 or higher and did not get these emails, please check your spam folder and then contact me and I'll make sure you get the rewards.

The rest of the fulfillment items are still in the works; I've got supplies on the way to mail out the CDs and coloring books and paintings. After the upcoming Music Under the Trees festival at Betsy Tinney's home this weekend (nearly sold out!) I'll start work on the improv tracks, and the art cards, mugs, and books are in process.

Thank you again, and I hope you enjoy the album!


Locking surveys in ONE WEEK!
over 5 years ago – Wed, Jul 03, 2019 at 07:34:01 PM

The CDs are in transit, the coloring books, stickers, and badge ribbons have arrived, and the digital rewards are being organized for posting. Still in process are the original improv tracks, the handmade books, the ceramic cups, and the Zentangle greeting cards, but the bulk of the rewards are almost in my hot little hands!

That means it's time to lock the surveys! For the 14 of you who haven't yet completed your BackerKit surveys (you know who you are--you should have received a reminder email a few minutes ago) please take care of that ASAP so I don't have to hunt you down. :) I want you to get your stuff! I'll be locking surveys and charging cards for add-ons on July 10th and hope to begin shipping things out in waves the following week, although if you're coming to my CD release concert on July 20th (please come!) you can pick up the rewards we have ready then if you let me know ahead of time, and if you have any rewards still outstanding I'll ship when everything is completed. 

Thanks everyone!


CD Release Concert SCHEDULED!
almost 6 years ago – Sat, May 25, 2019 at 09:15:37 PM

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