
The Space Between Notes - a new album by Sunnie Larsen

Created by Sunnie Larsen

Sunnie's debut solo album, full of filk songs, covers, and even a few originals!

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Badge Ribbon Poll!
almost 6 years ago – Thu, May 16, 2019 at 01:38:39 PM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

April Update!
almost 6 years ago – Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 12:12:45 PM

Hello friends and fam! I have a plethora of status updates for you on how things are currently going:

In album news:

  • I made two of the bigger album expenditures this month: the song licensing and paying my amazing recording engineer (Jeff is worth every penny and more). 
  • Betsy and I spent some time on Monday recording improvised songs, and I've been listening to the recording to decide which one will be added to the album. I haven't decided yet, but I have some ideas.
  • We have the final parts in for a few more of the songs! I believe we have just one set of backing vocals, drum on one piece, saxophone, and a few more cello parts to go. Jeff has started sending me Final Candidate mixes and I am loving hearing how everything has come together. We're working hard to finish up, because we have a mastering date booked! 
  • Relatedly, I've tentatively booked a release concert date in July with my chosen venue. Keeping it mostly under wraps for the moment, but as we get all the pieces closer to done I'll publish those details.

In reward news:

  • I've got all the coloring book images (save the one for the song Betsy and I just recorded) back from Jela, and they are FANTASTIC. Now for my part! I'm in the process of adding Zentangle frames to each one. I'll post a preview of one of the final images soon, hopefully this weekend. 
  • Jela and I will be working out which images from the coloring book artwork to put forth for vote on the sticker design. I got a sample pack from Sticker Robot and I'm really happy with the quality of their work. You get to choose which designs I'll print, so look for a poll soon!
  • I've made contact with Oasis CD Manufacturing and I have an account manager for my project. It feels more real all the time!
  • Work on the handbound books has begun--Marcos and I have folded so. many. signatures. Lots to go yet, but we're making progress. :)
  • I put down the deposit on my ukulele! Next month I'll go visit the Oceana workshop and develop my design with Zac. I can't wait!
  • We're at 89% complete on the Backerkit surveys. Go you!

In other Kickstarter news:

  • My dear friends The PDX Broadsides are kickstarting their next album and their first East Coast tour in their new campaign. Take a look and help them out! This is an ambitious work for them and they've knocked it out of the park. You're going to want this CD, I promise you. (And related to my project: if you like the art you've seen Jela doing for my album, you can see more of it on theirs! She's drawn the cutest octopus that Can't Even for one of their songs, and you can get it as a sticker or a pin in their rewards!)

Whew. That turned out longer than I expected, but there's a lot going on over here these days! How are YOU doing?



Surveys Away!
almost 6 years ago – Tue, Mar 26, 2019 at 04:54:26 PM

Hi, friends!

I have just returned from Consonance, where I had a wonderful time. I got to play some of the songs from my album, play more music with a lot of wonderful people, and talked a lot about my album with people. 

I also got to spend some time talking with the wonderful Beckett Gladney, who is going to be starting work on my album art and layout. You might recognize her work from albums by Playing Rapunzel, Scott Snyder, Twotonic, Jodi Krangle, and others. She has such a wonderful style, I can't wait to see what she comes up with.

Now that I've had a moment to sit and breathe from my return travel, I've got all the Kickstarter surveys sent out! If you have any trouble with your survey or any questions about things, please let me know.

Thanks everyone! More soon!


Almost time for Surveys!
almost 6 years ago – Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 07:17:45 PM

Hi everyone!

Dashing off a quick update to let you know that I'm nearly ready to send the surveys out to everyone. BackerKit requires me to send a few out first as a test to make sure that everything is working correctly, so you may have received one already, but if not you'll see it sometime in the next few days. If you have any trouble with the survey please let me know right away so I can get it fixed!

Two other things:

#1: If you're attending the Consonance filk convention this weekend in San Jose, I'll be playing a half hour set on Saturday night at 7pm, previewing some of the songs from my album with help from a few dear friends.

#2: My pre-order store is now open for business. If you know of anyone who wanted to get in on the campaign but missed it, they can still get a pre-order in! 

#3: A few pledges failed and weren't able to be corrected before the final funding window closed. If that's you and you'd still like your pledged-for items, contact me privately and we will work it out! 

So much excitement. Off to plan my setlist!


A Quick Update
almost 6 years ago – Thu, Mar 14, 2019 at 09:31:07 PM

Hello, friends! 

It's been two weeks since the close of my campaign and I wanted to give you all a quick update on what I've been doing since then! 

tappity tappity tappity cat
tappity tappity tappity cat

I've been poring over all the details in BackerKit, making sure the surveys are ready to go out (soon!), talking with Jela about the paintings and the latest coloring book drawings, ordering the watercolor cards, procuring the paper for the handbound books, and planning for a new badge ribbon order, and as soon as the funding comes in, I'll secure the licensing for the songs that require it. 

I'm setting up myself and those helping with fulfillment on a Trello board to track my tasks--putting my Project Management classwork to good use. And what a grand project on which to apply those new skills!

There's much yet to be done, and I promise to keep you all apprised as we make progress.

More to come soon!
